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PLYMAG - Fertilizantes. Productos Biológicos

PLYMAG PLYMAG export productos ecológicos Productos PLYMAG Localizacion contacto innovations


bio-stimulants specialties amino-acids water-conditioners soil conditionerss organic matter chelates correctors fertilizers specific correctors plant protection npk fertilizers irrigation npk fertilizers foliar palletising guide innovations

<% sub mostrarProductos SQL = "SELECT * FROM PDT" SQL = SQL & " WHERE pdt000 = 162 AND pdt047 = true" SQL = SQL & " UNION ALL" SQL = SQL & " SELECT * FROM PDT" SQL = SQL & " WHERE pdt000 <> 162 AND pdt003 = " & request.querystring("id") & "AND pdt047 = true" productos = consulta(SQL, Application("DSN_plymagweb")) if not isnull(productos) then response.write "" FOR I=0 TO UBOUND(productos,2) response.write "" response.write "" response.write "" response.write "" response.write "" NEXT response.write "
" response.write "" response.write "" & productos(2,I) & "
" & productos (11,I) & "
" if verificarFichero ("/photos/" & productos(9,I)) = true then archivo = obtenercamino("/photos/") & "/" & productos(9,I) response.write "" end if response.write "

" & productos(5,I) & "

" response.write "
" if verificarFichero ("../docs/" & productos(17,I)) = true then response.write "" response.write "" response.write "" end if if (productos(29,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(30,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(31,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(32,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(33,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(34,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(35,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(36,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(37,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(38,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(39,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(40,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(41,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(42,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(43,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(44,I)) = true then response.write "" end if if (productos(45,I)) = true then response.write "" end if response.write "
" response.write "
" else response.write "Actualmente no existen productos disponibles." end if end sub %>